
Impulse Buy

The other day, I found three seasoning that I never used. I bought them when I went on business trips to India and USA. I was so excited with the foreign super market that I just bought them on impulse. I didn't know how to use them though…

Homemade Banana Cake

I just ate a piece of banana cake that I made yesterday. The recipe that I found on Instagram was very simple, so I tried. I tried first the week before last and that was so good, so I did it again. I'm going to share it with my parents, b…


お題「#おうち時間」 ハイボールを飲みながらブログ更新。 今日は昼前にゆっくり起きて、ヨーグルトにグラノーラ(フルーツグラノーラが甘さ控えめにリニューアルしていた)と紅茶。 最近仕事で英語を本格的に使うようになったため、英語の勉強をしてみる。 …